Sunday, July 26, 2009

Snow Cone Makers

A few years ago Jeff insisted we purchase a Mickey Mouse snow cone maker. I rolled my eyes thinking it was an overpriced toy. My opinion of the snow cone maker changed when it proved to have healing powers. =) During those awful times when our home is hit with a nasty stomach bug (like NOW) the snow cones are fabulous way to keep everyone hydrated. Our kids will not go anywhere near Pedialyte even in popsicle form. However, they are all over the snow cones laced with another electrolyte drink! Something about the gradual melting of the ice that cures the cotton mouth without bloating sick tummy.

Mommy was first up to bat, now poor Wyatt. Wyatt who is still fighting a cold we all acquired two weeks ago. He is on antibiotics for a double ear infection, still has a cough and congestion, now this. Poor kiddo.

If I were to create a basket of favorite things for a new mom, snow cone maker, boogie wipes, otoscope, Motrin and a cool mist humidifier would be in there!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Donkey Business

Yesterday I came across an article called Donkey Business. The story discusses the condition of zoo's in Gaza. Obviously, being a war zone, many zoo's are in terrible shape. While I find that very sad, I found myself intrigued and humored by one resourceful zoo. They could not acquire a real zebra so they PAINTED a donkey.

Can you imagine what must have been involved to paint a donkey? What sort of materials does one use to paint zebra stripes on another animal? House paint? Dye? Then there's the application process. How does one convince a donkey to cooperate? Lots of carrots and sweet words or a heavy dose of some sort of donkey Valium? Then there the issue of roots. Every women who is friends with Ms. Clariol understands that in order to maintain 'the look', regular root touch ups are necessary. More carrots perhaps? I wonder how long it took to create such artwork? This donkey's pride must have really taken a hit. =) Are all the other donkey's laughing at this poor animal? Quick, someone call PETA. Oh wait, were talking about Gaza. They have bigger fish to fry.

The article touched on the smuggling process, a necessary evil to gain said animals for these zoo's. Apparently the smuggling tunnels can only accommodate items as large as cow. The article ends with Donkey zoo (don't remember its true name) stating how they would love to have an elephant but of course it would have to be a small one because the smuggler could never get it through. Are they serious?

This story is a gold mine for commentary.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shirt Recycling

Right now I am loving the layered, long sleeve boys t-shirts I purchased last fall. Ya know, the shirts that look like a short sleeve t-shirt pulled over another long sleeve shrit.

My boys become attached to their clothing. Wyatt has been asking me for two weeks if he could wear his favorite cement mixer shirt. I have been denying this request because it has long sleeves and it's been 100+ degrees. The shirt choice seemed a tad inappropriate. This morning it dawned on me to cut the long sleeve attachment off, creating a perfectly acceptable t-shirt without having to sew. Now Luke and Wyatt have been bringing me all their long sleeve shirts! Duh, I should have done this sooner.

I guess when fall rolls around, I will be choosing shirts that can be converted later on!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Heart

Out of the blue, Wyatt says, ‘Mommy I make your heart happy’. Oh yes, Wyatt you make my heart very very happy. Then he says ‘Mommy, I give you double hugs and double kisses’. He wraps his chubby little arms around my neck and gives me two squeezes followed by two fishy kisses. I gaze lovingly at his megawatt smile, shiny blonde hair as he bounces off, laughing that contagious little laugh. Ten minutes later…..

Wyatt saunters over and asks me some sort of absurd question, ‘Mommy can I jump off the roof’? ‘Uh, no way Wyatt’. Gnashing my teeth together I wait all of a nanosecond and then…. BAWAAAAAAAA!!! Seriously how does a person try to describe the wail of a pissed off three year old? Of course I am the meanest Mommy E-V-E-R and ruin ALL the fun!

I hate tantrums. Really, they are by far the worst part of parenting thus far. Give me disgusting bodily fluids down my new top over a tantrum any day.

Heart to Heart

Luke has been asking a lot of questions lately, especially about my father. We don’t say much about my father around here. There really isn’t much to say. But for whatever reason he feels compelled to ask a bunch of questions. I have no problem answering anything he asks because I have nothing to hide. Two days ago, out of the blue, we had the following conversation:

Luke: Mom you didn’t grow up with a Daddy?
Me: No Luke I did not.
Luke: Why not Mom?
Me: Because my Dad chose not to be part of my life.
Luke: Why did he do that?
Me: I don’t know.
Luke: Does he have another family then?
Me: Yes.
Luke: Oh, my Daddy didn’t choose to live with another family. He chose to live with me. I love my Dad.
Me: Yes Luke, you have a really great Dad.
Luke: So was he married to Grandma then?
Me: (squirming a little) No he was not.
Luke: So is that why he lives with another family?
Me: I don’t know Luke. But Luke when two people make a baby together, both people should take care of the baby.
Luke: Oh yeah. Babies are special.

This kid is only five and half. Tonight we had another conversation about heart break. It started with a discussion about how the heart works. We listened to each other’s chest for the sound of our heart beat. Then we had the following conversation:

Luke: Mom, Daddy’s heart broke when his Daddy went to heaven. He smoke cigarettes and ate junk food.
Me: Yes, Luke Daddy’s heart broke when that happened. We need to take really good care of our bodies because we only get one!
Luke: Cigarettes make smoke all over your lungs then you can’t breathe good!
Me: Yes, that’s right. We shouldn’t even try smoking ever because once you start a lot of times it’s really really hard to stop. Can you imagine how horrible it must be for those people who really want to stop but just can’t?
Luke: Yeah, how awful. My Dad doesn’t smoke cigarettes.
Me: Nope.
Luke: Your heart broke when your Daddy chose not to be part of your life? You must have had a bad life.
Me: Part of my heart was broken but, God knows what is best for me. He has a plan for all us. He knows what is best for you and me and Daddy and Wyatt. Sometimes God’s allows us to experience things that hurt our heart because we learn so much from those painful times. I trust God and His plan.
Luke: Really? Oh my heart is broken right now.
Me: Why Luke?
Luke: Because I miss my best buddy Evan. School ended and its been days and days and days since I got to play with him. I miss my friend a lot. My heart hurts.

This kid thinks deeply and loves deeply too. I am so blessed to be able to have these talks. It’s most certainly one of my favorite parts of being a Mom.

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