Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Wyatt has a nasty bug coursing through his body. Poor kid. It started with a pesky cough Sunday night. 3:00AM rolls around and I am frightened out of bed by that horrid barking sound. I have met that 'bark' before and its never good. Only the last two times Luke was the host of such party.

I immediately began steam treatments aleternating with cold air exposure. They helped some but he was drooling a lot. That concerned me because I had never seen the drooling accompanied with the croup. He was also taking deep breaths. His skin color was normal and his temperament perked up after an hour of steam and cold. We chose to keep a watchful eye on him. What a restless night for me. I kept bouncing out of bed every half hour to make sure he was okay. I know, a bit neurotic. But I'd rather be tired than worried. Something about breathing troubles that rattle me.

The next day his bark subsided. Since Sunday he has been running fevers on and off. He keeps telling me his 'froat' hurts. That and his hiccups are hurting. (he means cough)

Oh the joys of Mommyhood. =) To top it off, when I picked Luke up from school today, there was a note in his cubby stating that he was exposed to strep throat this week. Fabulous. Let's see what the next few day hopefully don't bring!



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